Case DV36D » Roeder Implement Inc., Iowa


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Purpose-Built Performance

Like all D Series CASE asphalt rollers, the DV36D features an overhang-free design with excellent curb clearance and both drums can be hydraulically offset to improve maneuverability and reduce the risk of tearing through turns. Each 51.2-inch drum delivers a centrifugal force of 11,240 lbf. and standard features include dual frequency (45 or 57 Hz) and amplitude settings, plus an automatic vibration control switch to help avoid surface damage during stops and starts. The water system is pressurized to maintain flow to all nozzles regardless of grade or wind, double filtered to reduce the risk of clogs, and features a large 92.5-gallon tank.

Common-Sense Fuel Efficiency

The DV36D uses a DOC system (Diesel Oxidation Catalyst) to achieve Tier 4 Final compliance, which provides efficient performance with no additional maintenance for the operator to worry about. There is no exhaust fluid to add and no regeneration downtime, simply operate as normal.

CASE Comfort & Visibility

With no overhangs on the front, back or sides, a low-profile hood and a lateral sliding seat, the DV36D makes it easy to see drum edges from either side of the machine whether operating in forward or reverse. Heavy-duty shock absorbers and the suspension seat minimize discomfort from vibration and a heated seat option is available. The drive lever moves with the seat providing constant control from any position and includes vibration and sprinkler switches so operators can keep their focus on the pavement.

Simple Serviceability

All D Series asphalt rollers are designed to simplify daily maintenance and service accessibility. The hood flips forward to expose the entire engine compartment, all fluid ports, drains, filters and checkpoints are grouped together on one side of the machine, and sprinkler heads are easy to reach for quick checks or replacement.


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